

Prince passed away yesterday. I’m still unable to understand that fully. As a huge fan after seeing Purple Rain when it came out, I have every album he made and 50+ “unreleased albums,” and have followed each his career phases and transformations...
Fun at the Internet Archive

Fun at the Internet Archive

The blogging has been a little slow as the day job has been very busy. I have managed to make some progress in working out the plot for RSG Book 2 (no title yet). I’d forgotten how difficult it is to interweave seven story arenas and 20+ characters. I...
Making the Miscellany

Making the Miscellany

Before I started writing The Dragon Star (which at the time I referred to as The Pilgrim Star) I had decided that I didn’t want it to be a typical fantasy novel, and in particular that I didn’t want it to have, as so many fantasy novels do, a glossary at...
Making the Miscellany

Making the Onaia Gazetteer

When I was a young teen and first introduced to Dungeons and Dragons by a friend one of the things that attracted me were the gazetteers – guides to make believe worlds. When I started writing The Dragon Star I had only thought about including a map or two. Then as I...
Change of Plans

Change of Plans

I’ve changed my mind. It happens frequently. I’ve decided not to put the episodes of The Dragon Star up for sale in episode bundles. I’m only going to offer the full Volume 1: Episodes 1-7. I’ll still offer episodes 1-3 for free from this website, but not from Amazon....

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