Why and How Do We Catagorize Fiction?

Two articles (LA Times and Time Magazine) I read recently got me to thinking about the difference between genre fiction and literary fiction – what those differences are, if it matters, how those distinction affect me as a writer, and how the idea of genre vs....

Another Earth & Dark September Rain

I’ve been busy with the final proofing and formatting of YSG #2 (Summer’s Cauldron) and the re-edit of The Celestial Blade, as well as working on Wizard of Time Book 2, so I haven’t had much time for blogging. I also haven’t felt inspired to...

The Day the Sky Fell

  Busy life right now and not as much time for blogging as I would like. So, until I have some time for original content, I thought I would post a portion on something I wrote a while ago. I watched Lars Von Trier’s Melancholia a few nights ago, and by some...

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