by G.L. Breedon | Jun 30, 2011 | Science, Space
There is an extremely pessimistic editorial in this week’s Economist declaring the end of the Space Age. Not decrying the end of the space age, declaring it with some verve. Not much by way of authority, but a lot of verve. The editorial makes some good points...
by G.L. Breedon | Jun 29, 2011 | Film, Reviews, Science Fiction
My wife and I watched the Adjustment Bureau over the weekend. Although it had timid and some fuzzy edged metaphysics (I like my metaphysics a little more bold), I found that I enjoyed the film quite a bit. Partly this is due to the wonderful on screen chemistry...
by G.L. Breedon | Jun 27, 2011 | Science Fiction
Sad news. Science fiction and fantasy anthology editor Martin H. Greenberg passed away Saturday, June 25th at age 70. Although I don’t read very much short science fiction or fantasy these days, I remember reading quite a few of the anthologies that Greenberg...
by G.L. Breedon | Jun 24, 2011 | Books, Retro-Nostalgia, Reviews, Science Fiction
My last post about Falling Skies and got me to thinking about alien invasion stories which led me to thinking about my favorite alien invasion story of all time, The War Against the Chtorr series by David Gerrold. Interestingly the series does exactly what I...
by G.L. Breedon | Jun 22, 2011 | Reviews, Science Fiction, TV
I finished watching the 2 hour premiere of Falling Skies last night. I cannot image what would entice me to come back and watch another hour. I was very hopeful as I started watching. I didn’t know much about the show except that it was another...