The Popular Science Archives

I came across this site the other day. Popular Science Magazine has partnered with Google to create a searchable archive of all their back issues. When I was a kid, about 12 I guess, I discovered a large box of my grandfather’s old Popular Science and Popular...

Final Space Shuttle Landing

A sad day. The Space Shuttle program made it’s final landing today. 135 missions over 30 years. When I was a kid I dreamed of one day riding on the Space Shuttle. I can’t imagine kids today dreaming of riding a Russian Soyuz capsule to space. But they may...

Space Flight

Thinking about the Final Space Shuttle launch last week got me to thinking about the history of space exploration, so I grabbed my copy of Space Flight (DK Books – Gill Sparrows) off the shelf and spent a few hours reading. I love DK Books. I have a huge...

Final Space Shuttle Launch

The final launch of the Space Shuttle program. A sad day for space geeks and kids dreaming of becoming astronauts. For the next several years, until the Aries replacement launch system becomes operational, the US will be paying Russia to ferry astronauts to the...

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